43 research outputs found

    Prosessit hajautetun organisaation johtamisvÀlineenÀ

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Neurocognitive mechanisms of audiovisual speech perception

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    Face-to-face communication involves both hearing and seeing speech. Heard and seen speech inputs interact during audiovisual speech perception. Specifically, seeing the speaker's mouth and lip movements improves identification of acoustic speech stimuli, especially in noisy conditions. In addition, visual speech may even change the auditory percept. This occurs when mismatching auditory speech is dubbed onto visual articulation. Research on the brain mechanisms of audiovisual perception aims at revealing where, when and how inputs from different modalities interact. In this thesis, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and behavioral methods were used to study the neurocognitive mechanisms of audiovisual speech perception. The results suggest that interactions during audiovisual and visual speech perception have an effect on auditory speech processing at early levels of processing hierarchy. The results also suggest that auditory and visual speech inputs interact in the motor cortical areas involved in speech production. Some of these regions are part of the "mirror neuron system" (MNS). The MNS performs a specialized primate cerebral function of coupling two fundamental processes – motor action execution and perception – together. It is suggested that this action-perception coupling mechanism might be involved in audiovisual integration of speech.reviewe

    Performance measurement procedures that support innovativeness rather than hamper it

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    This paper addresses the contemporary challenges in increasing firm-level innovativeness and developing appropriate performance metrics. The authors discuss these challenges and provide a literature review on the innovation enhancing factors in service industries. They subsequently study the case of a multinational telecom company that tries to renew its innovative capabilities after a restructuring. An interpretative approach, based on employee focus group interviews and an extensive management workshop, is taken to co-develop context specific factors that enhance innovativeness. These factors include, amongst others, personal recognition and acknowledgement for an innovative achievement, available time, customer intimacy, and a clear innovation strategy. The identified factors will be used in a follow-up research aimed to develop performance measurement procedures that support the company to develop and exploit its innovative capabilities

    Keskustelupaperi: Kognitiivinen intruusio : Miksi hybridivaikuttaminen toimii?

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    Hybridivaikuttamisessa on kyse valtiollisten tai ei-valtiollisten toimijoiden toiminnasta, jonka tavoitteena on heikentÀÀ liberaalien demokratioiden pÀÀtöksentekokykyÀ, vaarantaa niiden koskemattomuutta sekÀ kuormittaa niiden tilannetietoisuutta ja toimintavalmiuksia. Hybridivaikuttamisen keskeisenÀ tavoitteena on vaikuttaa kohteen pÀÀtöksentekokykyyn. TÀssÀ julkaisussa keskitytÀÀn erityisesti informaatiovaikuttamiseen ja psykologiseen vaikuttamiseen hybridivaikuttamisen muotoina. TÀssÀ julkaisussa hahmotellaan poikkeuksellista termiÀ kognitiivinen intruusio (cognitive intrusion) korostamaan sellaisia psykologisia ja sosiaalisia painostus- ja tehokeinoja, joilla voi olla vaikutusta hybridivaikuttamisen tehokkuuteen. Julkaisun tavoitteena on havainnollistaa sellaisia tehokeinoja, joilla pyritÀÀn aggressiivisesti muuttamaan kohdehenkilön tai -ryhmÀn tietoisuutta ja kÀyttÀytymismalleja. TÀmÀ voi tapahtua muun muassa ennakkoluuloja, yhteiskunnallisia narratiiveja sekÀ vakiintuneita asenteita ja uskomuksia hyödyntÀmÀllÀ. Keskustelupaperi etenee yksilötason vaikuttamisesta yhteisötason efekteihin, jotka osaltaan edistÀvÀt tai hidastavat yhteiskuntatason ilmiöitÀ. TÀmÀn keskustelunavauksen tavoitteena on pyrkiÀ ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn paremmin, missÀ mÀÀrin kognitiivinen intruusio voi lisÀtÀ hybridivaikuttamisen tehokkuutta, sekÀ valaista, millaisten mekanismien kautta se voi vaikuttaa yksilöihin ja yhteiskuntiin. Keskustelupaperin tarkoituksena on herÀttÀÀ keskustelua myös siitÀ, millÀ tavoin hybridivaikuttamista voitaisiin torjua tehokkaammin psykologisia taustavaikuttimia ymmÀrtÀmÀllÀ. Julkaisu pohjautuu Euroopan Hybridiuhkien torjunnan osaamiskeskuksen ja Euroopan komission yhteisen tutkimuskeskuksen hybridiuhkien konseptimalliin sekÀ aiempiin psykologian alan ja kompleksisuustieteiden kÀsitteenmÀÀrittelyihin. TÀmÀn keskustelunavauksen tavoitteena on tuottaa ihmiskeskeisempi, kÀyttÀytymistieteellinen nÀkökulma hybridiuhkien tarkasteluun. Julkaisun tavoitteena ei ole antaa tyhjentÀvÀÀ kuvausta psykologisten toimintamallien ja tapahtumaketjujen merkityksistÀ hybridivaikuttamisen taustalla.TÀmÀ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston kanslian KÀyttÀytymistieteellinen ennakointi ja tieto tulevaisuuden hallinnossa -toimintaa. Julkaisun sisÀllöstÀ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikÀ tekstisisÀltö vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta valtioneuvoston nÀkemystÀ

    Working paper: Cognitive intrusion : Why hybrid influencing works?

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    Hybrid threat campaigns are a spectrum of actions conducted by state or non-state actors, whose goal is to undermine liberal democracies’ decision-making, compromise their integrity and saturate their situational awareness and response capacities. Hybrid threat campaigns combine overt and covert military and non-military means. This publication focuses on information influence activities and psychological influencing as forms of hybrid operations. The effectiveness of hybrid threat campaigns (including actions on the information domain and attempts at social engineering) depends on individual and collective psychological factors and different circumstantial factors. Understanding the psychology of hybrid threats is crucial to better deter campaigns and to mitigate their impact. In this discussion paper, we outline some key psychological concepts and mechanisms of action under the umbrella term cognitive intrusion. This working paper refers to the conceptual model of Hybrid threats developed by Hybrid Coe and the EC’s JRC (The Landscape of Hybrid Threats: A conceptual model). The aim of this working paper is to better understand the extent to which cognitive intru-sion mechanisms can increase the effectiveness of hybrid activity and to illustrate how and why they can affect individuals and societies. The purpose of the discussion paper is also to stimulate discussion on how hybrid influence could be combated more effectively by understanding psychological background motives. The aim of the publication is not to provide an exhaustive description of the significance of psychological models and event chains behind hybrid influencing. Here we specifically focus on the underlying psychological mechanisms by which the decision-making capability of individuals and communities can get hampered.This publication has been carried out as part of the Finnish Behavioural Policy Team activities at the Prime Minister's Office. The content of the publication is the responsibility of the producers of information and the content may not represent the view of the Government

    Sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the landscape : Approach for spatially explicit estimates

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    Climate change mitigation is a global response that requires actions at the local level. Quantifying local sources and sinks of greenhouse gases (GHG) facilitate evaluating mitigation options. We present an approach to collate spatially explicit estimated fluxes of GHGs (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) for main land use sectors in the landscape, to aggregate, and to calculate the net emissions of an entire region. Our procedure was developed and tested in a large river basin in Finland, providing information from intensively studied eLTER research sites. To evaluate the full GHG balance, fluxes from natural ecosystems (lakes, rivers, and undrained mires) were included together with fluxes from anthropogenic activities, agriculture and forestry. We quantified the fluxes based on calculations with an anthropogenic emissions model (FRES) and a forest growth and carbon balance model (PREBAS), as well as on emission coefficients from the literature regarding emissions from lakes, rivers, undrained mires, peat extraction sites and cropland. Spatial data sources included CORINE land use data, soil map, lake and river shorelines, national forest inventory data, and statistical data on anthropogenic activities. Emission uncertainties were evaluated with Monte Carlo simulations. Artificial surfaces were the most emission intensive land-cover class. Lakes and rivers were about as emission intensive as arable land. Forests were the dominant land cover in the region (66%), and the C sink of the forests decreased the total emissions of the region by 72%. The region's net emissions amounted to 4.37 +/- 1.43 Tg CO2-eq yr(-1), corresponding to a net emission intensity 0.16 Gg CO2-eq km(-2) yr(-1), and estimated per capita net emissions of 5.6 Mg CO2-eq yr(-1). Our landscape approach opens opportunities to examine the sensitivities of important GHG fluxes to changes in land use and climate, management actions, and mitigation of anthropogenic emissions. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.peerReviewe

    As Oy AnnalanmÀen betonirakenteiden kuntotutkimus

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    Industrial service provider's success factors and management of co-operation relationships

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    Knowledge Reuse in Product-Service Systems

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    The current study examines knowledge reuse (focused on the recipient) from a product life-cycle perspective in the context of product-service systems through 27 semi-structured interviews in 11 firms. This study focused on the phases of the beginning-of-life (represented by R&D, purchasing, and production) and the middle-of-life (represented by logistics, customer service/quality, and sales). Similarities and differences were found between and within the two phases and the six sub-phases. Our research suggests that to remain competitive, a consistent understanding of the knowledge requirements for both sender and recipient should be identified, a match between the knowledge sourced and the mechanism employed should be made, and organizational culture/mechanisms to retain higher-caliber employees should be prioritized